The Office

The Office: becase we 'do work' here.

I understand that I am different yet will be given no special treatment here.
I will go through hell, and there will be no excuses, no turning back once I walk through these doors.
If I vomit, that is no excuse to stop my workout. I will get back up again …and again.
I will lift heavy and break records.
If it’s easy, I will go heavier.
I understand that this is a battle, I am here to dominate, nothing less. Sitting down … lying down … these are not options.
I will earn my respect by getting bigger, stronger, faster & mentally tougher.
I will outwork my opponents and do the extra work that no one ever told me to do.
I will train with fire in my eyes.
I will not back down!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday 8/26/2010 Clean & Jerk Work

A. Halting clean deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec

(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)

B. Clean & jerk - 65%x1x5; 70%x1x5; 75%x1x5: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets

(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day off the clock; keep taking up clean or jerk if one fails well before the other)

C. Clean pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec

(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of clean +)

D. Front squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 reps @ 80%; rest 2 min

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today was a scheduled "rest" on my main training site I follow but just having a rest day 3 days ago I didn't feel as if i needed one yet. However I've done heavy barbell work and lots of squatting heavy the past few days so i kept today to bodyweight conditioning work.

5 rounds
25 double unders
20 pushups
50yd Hill sprint (50yd there and 50yd back)


Did this about 6pm in great weather.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today is a Double.
1st workout:

5 sets for run times:
10 burpees AFAP
20 unbroken chin ups
Run 400 m @ 90%
Rest 3:30 b/t sets; (time runs only)

I did all 5 sets of pullups unbroken as prescribed, runs were on a treadmill:

A. Power clean + mid-hang clean; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min – 65%
B. 2 Jerk balance + 2 tall split jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light - work perfect positions)
C. Push press + power jerk + split jerk; 1.1.1 x 4-5; rest 3 min
(Build up to heaviest possible PP; when fail on PP, try to make PJ and SJ; try to do about 4-5 good work sets)

doing this later tonight.

Monday, August 23, 2010


A. Halting snatch Deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Snatch - 65%x1x5 sets; 70%x1x5 sets; 75%x1x5 sets: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day, off the clock)
C. Snatch pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of snatch +)
D. Back Squat @ 22X0; 4 x 5 reps; rest 2 min – 75%

A: 135,145,145
B: 80x5,85x5,90x5,100x1,110x1,115x1x1,125x1,135x1,140x1 (pr by 15lbs!)
C: 125,125,125
hours later
D: 195x5,185x5x5x5 ..damn, following a 2 second down, 2 second pause at the bottom makes these SUPER HARD..wasnt able to keep the 75%, had to drop 10lbs from that.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Rest Day... thankfully

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Daily WOD's 8/15-8/20

This would officially be the last workout "the office garage" before I had to pack everything up and move out. My friends Michael Foster and John Ratley traveled up to share this WOD with me. I was quite nervous after listening to John's description of the pain he went through the first time he had done this workout. The high rep # was also playing with my head. However i devised a strategy to follow to keep me on pace throughout the reps to keep me from resting to long. I chose to do 3 sets of 10-8-6 reps, and that would equal 72, so do 3 more and that'd be it.
75lb power snatch x 75 reps
Korey: 6:27
Michael Foster: 6:50
John Ratley: 7:20

My strategy worked well, I did the first 3 reps, sat the bar down, took a breath, then got into my three sets of 10-8-6 and never spent much time with the bar on the ground. Michael and John both said they were pretty much doing as many as possible at the beginning then sets of 5's. It proved that strategy helped.

7 rounds of
7kb swings (2pood)
7sumo DL high pull (2pood)
100 yard shuttle run on a 20 yd track

Did this at my work with 1 other guy.

In the morning i did a workout with a client of mine but we didnt keep distance totals.
15 rounds of sprint 20 seconds, walk 40 seconds.

5 rounds
5OHS @ 115
5 L-pullups

Did this at my work with one other guy. Very quick workout. Snatched the bar to get every set started.

Push Jerk: 3-3-3-3-3
immediately after
135lb squat clean
Ring Dips

My friend Daniel E. gave my this workout, said he had did it a few days before in 8:39 and to be honest the workout itsself scared the shit out of me thinking about it,.. i doubted even breaking 10 minutes..and i didnt, not even close. Did this workout by myself at my work.

Bench Press with 95lbs + smallest jump stretch bands
3-3-3-3-3-3 with 30 seconds of rest between each set

immediately after
(my first workout from the OPT blog..(optimum performance training)which i'm going to be following as best as possible from now on.
15 pullups
row 250m
10 burpees
row 250
15 pullups
row 250
10 burpees

6:00 did all the pullups and burpees unbroken, the row really got to me, felt slow on it. Did this workout by myself at my work.

Then in the afternoon I was going to do another workout off of the OPT blog which called for "trying to get 300 calories on the AirDyne bicycle in 10 minutes" but the airdynes at shannons apartment were both broke, so instead i just rowed for 10 minutes. My rower doesnt count distance so i have to estimate according to strokes, and i estimated about 2,200meters in 10:00. Thought this would feel like it was gonna take forever...put on some lil wayne radio on Pandora and it was over in no time!

During work on saturday i did the class WOD with 5 other people, in heats of 2.
(i used 100lbs, 95 is prescribed)
3 rounds
95lbs ground to overhead x 10
100 yd shuttle run @ 50yd lengths


2+ hrs later i worked on some core stuff.
3 sets NFT (not for time)
20 GHD situps
5 each side, KB Overhead Side toe touches opposite hand
max L-sit (00:30, 00:19, 00:12)

Sad News but New beginnings

So I've slacked hard on my blog for about a month or two now. I had high hopes and expectations for my garage gym and then for my blog. Hoping that by the end of the summer i'd have somethin like 10 guys a day wanting to come over and crossfit every day and a bunch of followers on my blog posting comments and their own posts and discussions about the days workouts.....well not so much. So my high hopes quickly diminished and I got discouraged and let the blog go by the wayside during my summer training. In the meantime i trained for and competed in a crossfit competition in Memphis, the Faction Games. It was a 2 day event with about 120+ competitors across 4 categories, mens and womens advanced and beginners. I competed in the mens advanced, there were 56 of us, and finished in a strong 19th. After the games i took about a week of, let my body recover and ate a little more relaxed than normal.

Now for the sad news.. my (old) landlord, which obviously doesnt have a heart or soul, notified me and my other 2 roomates that he and his new wife were moving into the house we currently lived in and he wanted us out by September 1st. I got the news on August 7th after my 2nd workout in the Memphis competition. So my beautiful setup which seemed perfect, that i had in my 2 car garage at the house is no longer. I've had to pack everything up and move out. I moved in with my girlfriend in Franklin so for the next 5 months until i find a place in murfreesboro again i have all my training stuff in her spare bedroom. (except the 300lb lifting platform, tractor tire, and 116lb stone) I will still be able to do all the barbell lifts, some rowing and bodyweight stuff in the apartment but no intense WOD's involving jumping or dropping the weights. Luckily i'm fortunate enough to have a job at a Crossfit Affiliate and I can workout at work whenever i want..

MOVING FORWARD: Now i'll get into why i'm getting back to my blog. I have new inspiration for training since this whole move. i've realized i dont have the conveince of a full crossfit gym in my backyard anymore, so my time spent workout out now needs to have a specific reason and be worthwhile. Not just doing another workout to do it, but to work on certain aspects of my fitness and further improve on all of it.
So here's what my blog will consist of, at least for now.
1. My daily training
2. where i got the workout from (if it were from a friend, i'll post their time/loads)
3. Where i do the workout and how i felt doing it.
4. Comparison to previous benchmarks if the daily WOD is a benchmark i've done before.

What I'm not going to be worrying about is, if anyone else is following my blog, or if i'm recruiting new people to crossfit. If this does happen however, I will be very happy, but for now I'll just let my blog be an electronic source of my daily training. Follow it if you'd like, check in on it once a month or never, get workout idea's or challenge yourself to my workouts, and please if you do one of them, post and let me know how you liked it, or how you did.

I've decided to try my best to follow the Optimum Performance Training blog created by James Fitzgerald, a.k.a. OPT, out of Canada. He's been a crossfit games competitor i believe every year of the games, and is very educated and knowledgeable in exercise physiology, training techniques and the bodies adaptations to training. Also I'm planning on working on a heavy squat once every week, and an Olympic lift once a week specifically....Train Hard, and don't lose focus,ever! -korey

Friday, August 20, 2010

Introduction: Please read.

The purpose of this blog is to
1) let others become aware of CrossFit
2)hopefully get more people to start doing WOD's with me at The Office
3)maybe convert some of you bodybuilders into true fitness
4)let people follow what goes on at The Office and see daily workouts and additions to the gym.
5)share idea's and opinions and discuss anything CrossFit related.
6) this also allows me to post exercises related shit somewhere besides my facebook account where people will actually care about and respond to what i say.

If you're reading this right now, you either have some interest in CrossFit, or at least an interest in working out for some reason or another. If your reason is....(to continue reading please click "INTRODUCTION:PLEASE READ" on the right sidebar under Pages)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fit or Fake RESULTS

First of all i really wanna say thanks again to all of you who came. This is something i've been trying to plan for over a month. I was very determined to have something like this but was met with heavy resistance the first time i tried gettin it together,...but as i said earlier, you guys were the ones who were brave enough, or in the words of sally "had enough balls" to come over here and do this. To those of you who have never crossfitted before, i really hope you got something out of this and tasted what truely being 'FIT' is,.. its not just being strong or looking good, its being good at multiple physical tasks across many domains. This whole event made me so damn happy, after everyone left i chilled in the garage and drank another bottle of water and was just in awe of how well it went and the effort put for towards everyone. I hope you all realized how crossfit brings people together and uses a stopwatch, and working against others as motivation for increased performance. I garuntee if we all did all these events by ourselves our total times would be minutes slower.
I feel as if i accomplished my goals with this event: Get people to challenge themselves to something different: Find out what being 'Fit' really is: And exposing some new people to what is CROSSFIT.

we took about 200 pictures believe it or not, and there are some really good ones, i'm gonna post them all tomorrow and i'll let you know how to view them.

Here are the FINAL results:
Korey: 9:00
Michael: 9:11
Josh: 10:14
T.H: 11:21
Aaron 13:46
Donnavon: 13:53
Sally: 14:46
Terry: 14:54* with 1 DNF event
Brandy 16:04
Hoover: 18:00

Saturday, June 26, 2010


THESE WILL BE ''SOME'' BUT NOT ALL OF THE EVENTS, IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER. When you show up, at 2:45 we will go over all the events and the exercises to make sure everyone is comfortable and see if there are any issues (i.e. need less weight, or can't run cause a bad knee, ect.)

Tire flip
800meter run
weighted carry
stone throw

each event will be performed either individually or possibly with 2 or 3 people going at a time, depending on equipment. Times will be recorded for each event and added after each one to see who's in what position.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Kill That Voice

You know what they’re talking about: The voice in your head that has always been with you, right from the early days. It tells you that you can’t do this, that you’re not strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, or sexy enough. It tells you to stop, to wait, to slow down, to quit.

Kill that f*****.

I mean it. Kill it. Today, in your WOD, stomp that voice. Stomp it good and hard so it never wants to come back. Grind its face into the dirt with your kettlebell and beat the everlovin’ sh** out of it. Go hard, go fast, go heavy. Give everything you have. Give everything you ever had. Do it for yourself, for who you were way back when — back when you were a kid and somebody told you to be a “good girl and play nice” or “let the girls win” or “don’t blow your own horn.” Remember all those well-intentioned (and some not-so-well-intentioned) folks who ever gave you the idea that it was okay to be less than you really are. They were wrong. Most of all, do it for who you want to be — and, maybe, for who you want your kids to be.

When you finish your workout today, don’t just put the barbell down. Throw the barbell down. Throw it down with every last shred of energy you have left and yell “Take that mother******!” (Or “Sweet potatoes” or “Jerks” or whatever the heck you like to say. Swearing is always optional.) But yell something. Be aggressive. Terrify that voice. Kill that voice. Kill it dead and don’t let it come back. You’re better than that voice. Start living like you are.

Monday, June 21, 2010


When's the last time that you actually challenged yourself to something? And not like,... how fast can i drink this beer, or how much can i procrastinate and still make it to work on time?.. i mean really challenged yourself and tested your limits on trying to do something thats hard to see if you are capable of completing it? Thats (one of) the reasons i have come up with the idea for this FIT OR FAKE challenge at my house this coming Sunday. Put yourself up to a challenge, cause it will be hard, but do-able. Last sunday was fathers day and next sunday is 4th of July so this Sunday will be perfect for most people not having any plans. I have not set a definite time because i know that some people have to work and i am awaiting RSVP from all of you so i can make the most accomodating time. (i would prefer the majority of the people to show at the same time, but i will be ok with people coming throughout the day, i'll be there all day).
Also i wanted to somewhat target people who like a challenege, and people who maybe lift weights or exercise and see how you match up against others? You think your strong?But are you fit? Well come see how fit you really are through a series of about 7 or 8 individual events all strength or endurance related in some form, for time.
THE OTHER REASON for me holding this event, is that i have my own garage gym at my house that me and about 5-6 other friends do crossfit in on a regular basis. I would love for more people to join me for my workouts, its what makes crossfit such a great strength and conditioning program, because everything is for time, and when someone else is beating you, you bet your ass it'll make you go faster. So if this event springs your interest in working out and doin some crossfit with me and my friends then you are more than welcome to try it out. I recently got my level 1 certification in Crossfit in Milwaukee so everything we do will be safe and with correct technique.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chris max backsquat 285/ Noah on Part 2. 6/19/10

i'll call this "Through Hell and Back"

You have 5 attemps to find your 1RM backsquat.
-post loads to comments-
Rest 5 minutes
Working against a 6 minute clock:
Run 800metes then do as many 95lb thrusters as possible.
score is # of thrusters completed.

Rest 5 minutes:

9 clean n jerks (95lbs)
11 burpee pullups
13 front squats (95lbs)
run 200m


Ghetto Workout, Amazing feats of strength.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WOD 6/16: Chase Pulls 310!

Yesterdays workout was pretty awesome.
Chase showed up early and we went through a 3x6 deadlifting session: looked like this:
Chase: 185x3/205x3/215x3/223x3/245x3/260x3 then went for 310 for 1 and got it. NEW PR!!!
Korey: 225x3/245x3/265x3/275x3/290x3/300x3 (new 3rep PR)

Overhead Squats

Korey: 105lbs 6:48
Chase: 95lbs 8:26
Hoover: 45lbs 11:11

Crossfit Level 1 Certification

This past weekend i went to Milwaukee with my lovely girlfriend Shannon to get my level 1 crossfit trainer certification. I had an AMAZING time, learned alooooooooot, and passed the test. I highly recommend at some point in your life you save the money and invest in taking this 2 day course if you are the least bit interested in bettering yourself at crossfit and/or want to teach others and spread the word.., it is soo worth it. I met some great people, witnessed some great things and learned how to coach people a lot better! The lectures were mind blowing. The trainers did such a great job making everything make so much sense.
we did 2 workouts while we there: the first workout was a partner workout,
There is only one set of weights (either dumbbells or a loaded bar, me and my partner had 40lb dumbbells) and you each must do the 21-15-9 of each movement, but you have to wait till your partner gets done with there set of that number.

The second workout was, AMRAP in 10 minutes of
7 medicine ball cleans
7 pushups... this was harder than it sounded! i used the 20lb medball, and yeah it got heavy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WOD 6/8/10

20 pullups
20 box jumps 25"
20 knees to elbows
135lb Overhead Carry 100ft
20 knees to elbows
20 box jumps
20 pullups

T.H. 9:56
Korey 7:48

Monday, June 7, 2010

6/6/10 and 6/7/10

Yesterday I did a lot of work, and I had a good showing of people come over and workout. My new friend Cory Ponder whose big into Olympic lifting came over and we did a workout consisting of some BackSquats, Split Squats, Romanian Deadlifts and Kettle Bell CrossChops.

Then I worked with Shannon for a little bit on her front squats, she did real well. (Girls tend to have an easier time getting their elbows up on the front squat than guys do). Then shannon warmed up with some lighter weights on the Deadlift and went for her PR (personal Record) and beat her previous one by 19lbs. (was 186, now 205!) Way to go Shannon! I also worked with her on the hang clean for a little while. She's eager to get more proficient at some of the barbell lifts and we're gonna keep at it!

Noah came over and brought a friend (Bryan) from his work and we all did Tabata Air squats/pushups/lunges and situps.

For those of you who arent familiar with Tabata, it goes as follows: You perform an exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10, then repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 work sets 20 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between. You keep track of you reps for each set, and for you score you total all of the reps for all of the exercises.

Noah: 362
Bryan: 398
Shannon: 345
Korey: 437
And my ass is soooore today!


Today me and Noah Deadlift 5x5
Noah: 135x5, 185x5, 205x5x5, 216x5
Korey: 185x5, 235x5x5x5x5

WOD: 8 Rounds
3 strict chinups
6 Dips
20 second Handstand hold

We didnt really time this one strictly cause we were only gonna do 6 rounds but it went a lot faster than i anticipated so then we decided to do 2 more rounds, still finished in under 9 minutes.....
If i were to do this workout again or have anyone else do it I would say 8 Rounds: 5 strict chinups(weighted if you can) 10 Dips and 20 Second handstand hold.